Our RamSite is dedicated to our friends and classmates that have passed away. One hundred and seven Memorials are included on this page. If you know of anyone from the Class of 1969 that is not included, please Contact Us. Many of you have inquired about the circumstances and dates of our classmates' deaths, and we appreciate those of you who have shared such information. Also, we do not have obituaries for all of our departed and would be grateful to any of you who are able to provide an obituary. You may view tributes on an individual Memorial by clicking or tapping on the "View Tributes" link for that inidividual Memorial. You may post a tribute on an individual Memorial by clicking or tapping on the "Add A Tribute" link for that individual Memorial.
Golden slumbers fill your eyes...
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby.
Lennon and McCartney
1969 (Golden Slumbers)
On October 16, 1965, prior to the football game that Saturday afternoon, the RGHS football field was dedicated as Meyerkord Memorial Field in honor of Harold Dale Meyerkord, a 1955 graduate and the first Riverview student (and one of the first U.S. Naval Officers) to die in the Vietnam War. He was killed in a river assualt action in the Mekong Delta on March 16, 1965. Our own classmate, Tom Goszewski, a U.S. Marine, died of his wounds in South Vietnam on November 27, 1970. In all, ten Riverview students died in Vietnam. Their names are displayed on a Memorial installed at Meyerkord Memorial Field.
Don Hutchison and his wife, Joan, visited The Wall on July 8, 2021, during their great adventure circumnavigating The Great American Loop. Harold D Meyerkord's name is shown on Panel 1E, the panel in the center marked 1959 that contains the names of those earliest declared dead or status unknown (usually missing in action) during the war. His name can be found in Line 96. In the photo below (to the right), you can see Don's reflection in the panel as he takes the picture. Dale Meyerkord's name appears close to the top of Don's shoe on the left in the reflection. Don wrote about his experience viewing The Wall: